Sunday, August 7, 2011

How can a college grad get a job with no job experience whatsoever?

Hi. I'm currently a senior (22 yrs old) here in California but spending an extra year to finish and I am majoring in BS Forensic Chemistry...I still have 43 more quarter units to go (12 classes) after finishing this quarter I am attending now. Anyway, by June 2012, I'm likely to be done with my degree. However, my problem is I have never had a job before. I tried to focus on school a lot in high school (ended with a 4.03 GPA there) and early college that I didn't want work to bother me...and so my tuition were taken from grants and loans only. So what I am saying is I am scared that I might not get any job after college because I have basically not worked before,, I was never involved in sports or clubs nor have I volunteered to do anything. All I can put in my resume is my high school gpa, college degree in chemistry (once I graduae) and the honor society I was inducted from...that's all. I know I can sign up for summer laboratory internships but even those require some job experience.. What should I do? I'm only about a year away from walking the stage and yet I have nothing to put in my resume regarding job experience or internships. I feel so screwed because I know the fellow people majoring in my field also might be more qualified than me because they're experienced while I have zero, zilch, nada. Is there any hope for me? I am aware of California's economy right now but I would like to at least be qualified. I have nothing but academic achievements and/or high gpa in high school and college (currently 3.49).

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