Friday, August 12, 2011

Boy Problems? Help!?!?

um, you probably don't need to lose 60 pounds, but anyways, if you want to lose weight just exercise 4-5 days a week. make sure to jog or use a treadmill or something for as long as you can during those days. change your diet, try to eat lots of vegies, chicken/fish, and fruits. basically try to stick with things that have low fat but enough calories to keep you going (don't starve yourself) and it's fine to eat junk food like once or twice a week, just not too much. while you're doing your best to lose weight, spend as much time with the guy you like as much as possible. get to know him and let him get to know you. at one point, your weight probably won't even matter and he'll like you for your personality and looks. also try to hang out with this guy at the movies or at a park and such. i'm sure everything will work out if you work at it. good luck.

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