Friday, August 12, 2011
Boy Problems? Help!?!?
um, you probably don't need to lose 60 pounds, but anyways, if you want to lose weight just exercise 4-5 days a week. make sure to jog or use a treadmill or something for as long as you can during those days. change your diet, try to eat lots of vegies, chicken/fish, and fruits. basically try to stick with things that have low fat but enough calories to keep you going (don't starve yourself) and it's fine to eat junk food like once or twice a week, just not too much. while you're doing your best to lose weight, spend as much time with the guy you like as much as possible. get to know him and let him get to know you. at one point, your weight probably won't even matter and he'll like you for your personality and looks. also try to hang out with this guy at the movies or at a park and such. i'm sure everything will work out if you work at it. good luck.
What is the best way to memorize a vast amount of information?
I have to memorize an entire menu before my job orientation which is this coming saturday. I know I've messed up by procrastinating. I just started studying today, and I probably know 20% of the menu. The menu matrix that they've given me was probably around 30 pages, and I retyped it and simplified it as much as possible and the study guide I made is 9 pages. I need to know 100% of it before Saturday at 9:00 A.M. Help is appreciated! Thank you!
Why do people pray when they could do something actually useful?
It angers me when religious people say "I pray for the sick, weary, unfortunate" and so on but do NOTHING that would actually help them like look for a cure for their disease or fund a relief effort. It seems like their prayers do nothing at all but alleviate their own guilty consciences, if we had all relied on prayer alone medical science would still be barbarity and technology would have remained at the level of chucking stones. And NO I'm not exempt from my own accusations I feel ashamed of my lack of effort, good people die while the rest are busy "praying" for them!! What a joke!
Need decent group of black ops (ps3) players to play multiplayer and zombies with.?
are u apart of agroup of ppl that frequently play multiplayer with? do u guys act like a team and actualyl try to do the objectives? im a decent player and i need a group to play with cuz i cant rely on strangers. thx and sry for the bad typing.
Should these celebrities be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame?
Definitely Jim Johnston. Can you even imagine what wrestling may have been like without his titantrons in WWF/E. He created many songs used by superstars and made all those albums . He's been with the WWF/E since the 1980's and is still putting so much into the entertainment during 2011. His hall of fame is long overdue.
Could this mean that he likes me?
There is a guy I've known since middle school who I kind of like, though we haven't started talking regularly until about a month and a half ago when we were paired up to do an English project together (we just finished our sophomore years in highschool). We are in almost all the same classes and interested in the same music, movies, websites, etc. We both suck at public speaking and we are both AP students who procrastinate terribly. Whenever we speak, we seem to be on the same wavelength. He also sits closer to me than he does to other girls, and I'm the only one i've ever seen him actually pick on (in a funny/cute way). At first I just thought he thought of me A's a friend; but today I was informed that he noticed that I was not Marching in a parade on Saturday (we are in marching band) and asked one of my friends where I was and how I was doing (I haven't seen him or talked to him in 2 weeks since school got out... He's been on vacation and therefore not at marching practice). Apparently he was blushing pretty badly... Could this possibly be a sign that he likes me? I'm not very familiar with this stuff...
Will randy macho man savage be inducted into the wwe hall of fame in 2012?
I think he should be inducted. I know Vince isn't very fond of him but he's dead now. I say Vince should just induct him and get it over with. It's more for the fans than anything. Just have someone like Mean Gene or Ricky Steamboat make a short induction speech then have Lanny Poffo make a speech on Macho Man's behalf and show a tribute video. It'd be nice if they mention his passing at Over the Limit or Raw.
Have you ever fallen in some sort of love with a character from a book?
I read Apt Pupil by Stephen King and as sick as it maybe i really like Todd Bowden the Dead, Jew hating, Hobo murdering boy and i was just wondering if i was weird (anymore weird than i know i already am) or do people often do this. If you have please explain? The reason i like him is when i read the book i pictured him as someone i met on holiday once who was rely hot, and he is rely smart as well and so on. By the way the reason i posted it in LGBT is i value your opinion more and im a guy.
What comes to mind when you hear Massachusetts?
Boston, Boston creme cake, cake, cape Cod, JFK, law, mispronounced words that are funny, ex: where's my car keys? Car keys would sound like "khakis", but I think that only in Boston. Anyways, loooooove bostons accents!
Do we have a case? and how do we do something about it? medical negligence?
ok my girlfriend, a few weeks ago had a rod rod implant contraceptive put in her arm, once the procedure was complete the doctor told her it would be safe to have unprotected sex after 3weeks, and she kept drilling the the waiting period into her of 3WEEKS! in this same appointment she also was written a script for an antidepressant medication she has been on for a few months now. so following the doctors recommendations we waited 3 weeks, but the doctor didn't tell us the antidepressants she is on can affect the rod for up to a month! my girfriend is late and and has 1 positive supermarkt pregnency test and is going for another test at(with a differet doctor) today, shes been pregnant once before and is feeling the same way she did then(she misscarriaged at 5 months) so she is most likely pregnant. we are only 17 and cant handle a child right now we need to finish school and we cant rely on our parents nor can we tell them, they would dissown us.... can someone plz help? btw we our in australia nsw if thats makes a different on laws and ethics or something
2011 nfl power rankings?
I respectfully dis agree with the ravens at 9. they in my opinion should be at least 5 or 6. their defense is better than texans and chargers. also i would not be surprised to see atlanta win the nfc this year. they learned a lot last year and that should make them better. to have the eagles at 16 i don't know about that. i think they will win the nfc east. do you really believe the giants are that much better than philly?
Are Wargames really the genre that requires the most strategy and thinking?
tl;dr, but 'My Little Pony Dress Up' requires a huge amount of strategy and forward thinking. very few can even begin to comprehend the logic and tactics behind it, let alone master it. I believe there was only one person who had the right skills to achieve this most un-prestigious achievement - Justin Bieber.
National Junior honor society??? What happened?
When i was in middle school i was inducted into the national junior honor society and was told i was going to get money for my college tuition. Well im in college now so where is this money and how do i access it? Is this program a scam?
RE: ? asked earlier-What day of the week is tomorrow?
Tomorrow is when we intend doing everything we procrastinated doing. It is the day of reckoning as judgment day. it is the day everyone who has ever lived will stop laughing in derision and become as serious as the proverbial judge. It is the day every knee will bow, every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Do it now because life here becomes better and eternity infinitely better!!! Don't wait, Please?
Is Edge going to be inducted in the hall of fame this year in miami or next year in toronto?
Many within WWE feel that WrestleMania will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013 and both Edge and Trish Stratus will be inducted into the Hall of Fame that year. So him being inducted early next year doesn't seem like the plan, they'd rather do it in his and Trish Stratus's hometown Toronto, Ontario.
They really super duper annoy me. OKAY! People should rely on making good or funny videos for a sub, not MAKING A SUB 4 SUB DEAL. People who do sub 4 sub obviously CANT MAKE GOOD ENOUGH VIDEOS. Especially when they ask for a sub on a really famous youtubers, like NigaHiga, Bubzbeauty, shimmycocopuffs, ect. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOU! WHATS THE POINT OF GETTING SUBSCRIBERS IF YOU HAD TO MAKE A DEAL WITH THEM FIRST!?
I'd like opinions...I told her I like her...?
You're thinking about it too much. When she comes back, ask her to hang out. If she's open to a relationship, she'll probably drop little hints. If she is NOT open to a relationship, she either won't want to hang out, or won't drop any hints.
What would be a good career path for me?
How about taking some business classes as well as some economy classed, then going to work for FedEx, UPS, or one of the other carriers. There's always the postal service, too.
Why cant doctors find out whats wrong with me?
ive been having this rely bad lower abdominal pain on my right side,my right testicle is in pain if someone touches it and doctors cant find out whats wrong with me they toke the following test. i don't know the names but i can describe it. a machine that my body goes in and a circle thing spins around. that showed up negative then a ultrasound that came up negative as well then they did some blood test negative then some urine but i don't know how that came negative since i found some blood in there when i examined it. then came the x-ray negative as well. then came a piece of paper getting shoved up my butt negative then they came up with the conclusion that i am faking it but they did not say it like Ur faking it they said maybe there something going on with Ur head witch is another way of saying im faking it but im not i was about to jump out of bed and run out probably shouldn't mention that. sometimes the pain go so high that i feel like im going to die if anyone is having the same thing i am what do you do to make it better oh yea and there nothing wrong with my head i have no problem in life i got some rely cool friends i get As Bs and 2 Ds but i get those Ds cuz i dont like to work to hard
My old boss says they don't have workmanship comp after I hurt myself and now the bill went to collections ?
You might try the Department of Consumer Affairs in Sacramento. Also file a complaint with the Chamber of Commerce, the Better Business Bureau, and the local TV stations' help desks. Often a little outside pressure goes a long way.
I've never felt so alone?
It wont last forever this too will change so keep in the game as best you can and see if you can make inroads on your shyness - try an out of school club somewhere where you can meet up with people who dont know you and see it as an opportunity to be who and how you want to be - Brothers rarely acknowledge their younger sisters mine didnt till he wanted my help.
Who else out there is so bored right now?
I am so bored doing late math work...I will NEVER procrastinate EVER again lol So who else is bored wishing they would be somewhere else like at the beach..?? Am I the only one?? (:
I have just been inducted into being a male teen, and have a personal question.?
Please do not be offended by this, but i am also uncomfortable asking my parents this, so i have resulted to you all on yahoo to give me some advice. This isI have just become a teen, and I have had a phenomenon overwhelm me that I have not experienced before... girls. I cannot EVER stop thinking about them. I even can't focus in class because my mind is off in its universe thinking about cute girls! I feel like they are just hypnotizing me. I know it's natural, but it can't be THIS crazy! I also would like to know if there is a way to keep my hormones under control because I want to go back to making good grades in Spanish!
Do you think i have whiplash?
i got in a rely bad gokart acccident. i wasnt wearing a seatbelt and i was stopped and a girl hit me really bad from behind. she was going super fast. i jerked forward and back alot, hurt my thumb, and bruised my elbow. its a day later and my neck has been hurting all day. its very hard to move in any direction. ive also had a headache pretty much the whole day. the bach of my neck near like the base of my neck has been swollen it looks like i have a big bump also swallowing is very deficult and the front of my neck hurts to the touch. moving my shoulders hurts abit as well. do you think i could have whiplash or maybe just something else?
How do u feel about edge retiring?
I find it sad. I happen to be an Edgehead myself, so it really sucks. I really hoped he would beat Rick D*ck Flair for 16 World title wins. He was so close! But I guess it's up to the Tripster now. I hope he leads next years Hall Of Fame with The Rock. :(
What isn't this band in the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame???? :(?
Why aren't the Beastie Boys in the RNRHOF????? Run DMC is!!! That's not fair....I think they're pretty good, I was just wondering why they haven't been inducted yet. AND Guns 'n Roses! What's with that???!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I hate to live......what should i do?
Killing yourself is the pussy way out of your problems. I hate to be so harsh, but it is. You need to seek a psychiatrist and get on medication for anxiety and ADD. I also have anxiety so I understand what your going through. You need to find ways to deal with it. Just please don't kill yourself think of how that would hurt your loved ones.
Will UIC give me a full ride scholarship?
UIC doesn't really give out full rides. There are a handful of full tuition scholarships. To be eligible, you need to be in the Honors College.
Do you think she likes me?
ok me and this girl i've had a crush on for awhile used to work at the same place. recently we joined a honor society together, and she begged to go with me to see me get my first tattoo. but lately this past week when we got inducted I had her laughing alot and she asked if I wanted to see a movie with her after but I allready had plans. two weeks later I came into my old work place where she works and she took my order and was kinda flirty. she turned red alot, admired my tan and new muscles. She still wanted to see that movie with me and we set it up. The "date" is tomorrow. How can I find out if she for sure likes me?
Does Sylvester Stallone deserve to be in the International Boxing Hall of Fame?
This past weekend Sylvester Stallone was inducted into the IBHOF, along with Mike Tyson, Julio Cesar Chavez and others, for his Rocky movies.
What internet options are there in Brenham, TX?
Recently my family and I have been looking for a place to live in some other cities. My parents are really interested in Brenham, TX. Because of the distance from where I live now, I'm going to rely heavily on the internet to keep in touch with my good friends here since I won't be seeing them all that often. I was just wondering if anyone who lives in the area could tell me what kind of internet service is out there. Thanks! :)
How bad would it be if i drank this?
I dont give a crap about tastes here but I have a 12 pack or somehting of Coors that has been sitting in a cooler in a bush for 4-6 months will i get sick from drinking it it tastes off cus its old and got rely hot i just want to know if i will get sick or die or somehting if i dirnk it
Who do you think will inducted these people into the hall of fame?
Edge and Christian will be eachother, naturally. It'd be a hoot if they got Paul Bearer to induct 'Taker :P
What is a good thing to do when you're procrastinating?
What I mean is what can you do thats productive and but also lets you procrastinate at the same time
Is this an odd complaint from the people who CREATED and recently RESTORED our "9-10" policies?
"To succeed, our homeland security and counter-terrorism actions must be linked to an intelligence community that deals effectively with the threats we face. Today, we rely largely on the same institutions and practices that were in place before 9-11."
BRICS and its Mechanics?
What exactly is the multi-lateral BRIC(S) framework and towards what benefits is/was this organized. Against what criteria was South Africa (new member) inducted within the BRICS framework ? IN what Currency denomination is Credit extension and settlement planned between the BRICS, hence the composition of trade inter- and intra- BRICS.Where can one find the Combination[5C2] Cross-rates of currency pairs of BRICS and what is the designated reference benchmark currency/value ?
Is anyone else unable to work and having to rely on family, due to OCD or other hidden disability?
Yes there are loads of us. See the MIND site if you are in the UK. Everyone with a mental health problem is going through the same panic about benefits.
Is it to late for me to try and become a lawyer (grade wise)?
I am still in high school, but i have procrastinated lately, My current GPA has slipped to 2.5, and I only got A 17 on the A.C.T, but when it comes to business and business law I have always gotten good grades, and am very gifted in it, I was planning on going to a community college and then transferring, so I was wondering if it is to late already to consider taking business law classes in college in hopes to become a lawyer
Skipping a Grade/Graduating Early?
I wish all high school students had the drive and motivation you possess. I applaud you sir. With your talent and potential I have no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't allow you to graduate early.
Do you think Edgar Martinez deserves to be in the Hall of Fame?
Before you say no because he was a DH, he was the greatest to ever take up that role. Bud Selig even said so and named the nest DH award the Edgar Martinez award. And Paul Molitor is in the Hall and played over 40% of his games as a DH. This however is one of the best cases for him, Edgar Martinez is just the 13th player eligible for Hall of Fame election to have posted a .300 batting average, .400 on-base and .500 slugging percentage in his career ... and 11 of the first 12 were all inducted into the Hall. The only one of those 12 not in the Hall is " Shoeless" Joe Jackson
How do I respond when I'm tired of hearing it?
Sounds like they are equals and found their shared bottom (to sink to) together. Don't take him down, she'll end up defending him and sticking with him. Just tell her "Well, at least he works and doesn't spend his money on drinking." Or "You don't have to stay married" helped my mom the most, for me it was "If he is going to be here I need to leave." Just don't say anything accusatory just neutral and honest.
Based on my current grades/activities, do you think I will be able to get into West Point or the Naval Academy?
Top 10% of your class is a big help- so you would need to be 7/70. All of your activities are good but you need to show leadership in these activities- be the president of clubs. Make sure you get your letter of recommendation from a senator lined up.
Which bands/artists deserve to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
3. Motorhead, Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple, Scorpions, UFO, Triumph, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, The Doors (are they in?), The Eagles (are they in?), Blue Oyster Cult (are they in?), Alice Cooper (is he in?).
HOMEWORK PROBLEM!!! Please Help!!!!?
You need to convince yourself to do anything productive in life. Just ask yourself why you should complete your homework, what is the big picture that you want to achieve. The answer might be something along the lines of "I want to get this HW done so I receive a better grade in the class, making my g.p.a. higher, allowing me to get into a good college and setting me up for a good career". Yes, that was long-winded and not necessarily a regular thought process, but you get the idea. Just talk yourself into doing it. Even reward yourself for getting things done. For instance, I can go on face book or (fill in the blank) If I finish my essay, etc. You get the idea. The main point I'm trying to make is that noone can really convince you to do something, you have to convince yourself, so convince yourself!
Does Sylvester Stallone deserve to be in the International Boxing Hall of Fame?
This past weekend Sylvester Stallone was inducted into the IBHOF, along with Mike Tyson, Julio Cesar Chavez and others, for his Rocky movies.
Should I just go for it? Any advice would be appreciated highly...?
A girl never forgets things that easily, shes just curious about what is going to happen between you two. So start talking to her again, and guys will be back on track
Love him but concerned about his intentions. Not getting any younger. Should I cut my losses?
Wow, I feel sorry for you an mad at him. How can he string you along, that's what he did. You were 27 an now 34. You need to find someone else now. You can still have kids, but hurry, go on a free dating site an find the man of your dreams. You have to dump this guy, who unfairly lied to you about having kids, it's not ever going to happen. I was like you, wanted to get married. I was 42 still no marriage an 53. I am now don't consider him my bf, only roommate. I tell everyone. He does too. I don't work . He is helping me, but when someone comes along in the daimg site. He knows. I'm gone an I won't look back. He is ok with that as he still don't want to marry me. You need to do the same an look for a future husband online, if he really love you he would of married you along time ago, if you had kids the oldest one would of been 7 years old, look how much time you wasted, don't waste any more time, go on dating site an Good luck
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Do you think that parents' social status is more determined by the performance of their kids than in the past?
Title says it all.... do you feel parents rely on the performance of their children (in academics, extracurricular stuff, just being 'well adjusted' or socially competent, etc.) more than in the past, as a way to seek status?
Why do many women resort to being housewives?
Why not make something of yourself and get a career? I would personally feel useless without a job. How can anyone stay home all the time? I just can't see why? I prefer to be independent, relying on myself and then my significant other, not render everything to him so that he has control over me. I mean what happens if he loses a job, now your both in trouble.
How do u feel about edge retiring?
I find it sad. I happen to be an Edgehead myself, so it really sucks. I really hoped he would beat Rick D*ck Flair for 16 World title wins. He was so close! But I guess it's up to the Tripster now. I hope he leads next years Hall Of Fame with The Rock. :(
Do you think Macho Man will finally be inducted in the Hall of Fame this year?
Vince and Macho Man as i heard many times didn't like each other, so that's why he wasn't inducted but now that he passed away...I hope Vince swallows his pride and induct the man into the Hall Of Fame in 2012.
Is it acceptable to be in two Xbox clans?
stick with your real friends bro, cause quite honestly the "professional" clan probably just wanted you in theres cause you kicked their asses, and they will probably never treat you the same way that you're friends treat you (i mean that in a good way) but on the way of "xbox socially acceptable to be in 2 clans?" for the same game, that's kind of a no-no, but for other games, like be in xDPCx for MW2, and then be in D4RK for Black Ops, thats perfectly fine.
How do i stop procrastinating?
help! i am the worlds worst procrastinator. i save everything until the night before it's due, and i end up with tons of stress and not enough sleep. i am a perfectionist on top of that, so even when i save everything until the last minute, i still spend so much time making it perfect. maybe i just work better under pressure but i dont want it to come down to that all the time. how do i motivate myself and just get things done?
Why is it bad to lose weight fast?
you get stretch marks and if you go on a crash diet and lose weight, as soon as you start eating again (which you will have to do unless you want to die) then you put more weight on than you would have done if you hadn't gone on crash diet
From whats happening in the West Indies its obvious that India rely heavily on Sehwag, Tendulkar and Dravid.?
India is in for some serious problems soon. For more than a decade they've relied on Tendulkar, Dravid and Laxman - now aged 38, 38 and 36. Very soon now, all three will retire, which will leave a horrible gap in the Indian batting order.
My 1994 BMW 318i, replace head or get new motor?
Is it cost effective to replace the head gaskets or just get a used motor? I was advised that gasket replacements for these cars is especially difficult. There is water in the motor due to overheating. I procrastinated in replacing a leaking radiator. Now that I replaced it there is a small hissing bubbling sound coming from the block. Gaskets? The head itself? Please help!! I live in the San Diego area. Is there any places you know of that sell used motors or does this cheap??
Can I get medical marijuana?
I'm 16 right now and I have rely bad insomnia and I refuse to take sleeping pills is there anyway for me to get medical marijuana in Wisconsin if not 16 then how about when I turn 18???
Is it illegal for an employer to do the following? (see below)?
Employee fifo on minesite. They didn't get around to booking his flight home, stuck another night. Employee advised his boss that he wanted and needed to go home. He was asked to work one more night. Employee refused. (Hasn't even been properly inducted anyway). Boss accepted. Employee drank alcohol for most of day. Was called later by site boss advised if he didn't go that night to work, they would not pay for his flight home or accomodation. Employee rang his direct boss again who advised to just do the job. Employee advised had been drinking. Employer not concerned. This employee feels he has been threatened and is being held against his will, needs to get home to his family. What are his are his rights in this situation?
How to quit your job when your boss relies on you for an important project?
Just be honest and direct. Offer to put some time in to help train a replacement. That is the proper thing to do. Ultimately, you can't help how he reacts. Eventually, he will get over it.
Self confidence boosting books? Self help?
Yah, you can download articles on Self Development and videos too on Self Improvement or attend such self-boosting seminars I am sure they can be found elsewhere you just have to make more effort after all it is what you need right? so good luck and cheer up , nothing is impossible to do really when you seriously pursue it/them.
Treatments for Bipolar?
Bipolar mood swings are long and drawn out, usually over a period of days to weeks, and they are severe and uncontrollable. You can't calm down or cheer up, you are stuck in it if you are BP. If you are cycling that rapidly something else is going on. If you can't talk to your parents about it, find an adult at school or a friend's parent and tell them that you're cutting. It sounds like you live in a fairly hostile environment, which isn't helping your stress and moods. I wish there was a simple answer to this, but there just isn't. With me (I am a rapid cycling Bipolar 1) It can take days of mania to get to weeks of depression. Most of the time I am fine and then I just go off on one side of the scale. If it were me I would probably say that I was angry about being unhappy at home and having a lot of pain in my heart. Siddharta (philosophy, not religion) said that anger is just pain in disguise. Try taking a boxing class or martial arts to help ventilate your frustration. But, please take my advice, if you are cutting and have attempted suicide in the past, you have to find a way to get yourself to a safe place emotionally. Cutting is a way that some people feel ventilates the ugliness and agony inside of them. You may be able to find another way to express your feelings constructively, like an art form such as music, painting, poetry or otherwise. Think of Angelina Jolie. She went through the same thing and eventually she pulled through. Try to read up on her as she is wise and you may find some insight into what is bothering you. Also, find a way to reinforce what is beautiful about you and blow off the ugly things others say about you. Their opinions don't matter that much, if you really think about it.
Should i give up on my best friend?
So im 13 and my best friend is also 13... well idk our status right now because we've been drifting apart and i dont know what we call each other anymore. well yesterday she posted a picture of herself smoking on facebook.. -____- i was pissed off so i commented on it saying why are you being so stupid why are you hurting yourself? and if you knew you were gonna get hate messeges and explain everything to me then why did you put it on facebook?? i mean i know i dont know your problems right now but you dont have to do it this way i mean theres other ways... and we continued fighting on the comment boxes... she was telling me why she did it telling me all her problems that she incountered and that she would stop one day when all her problems dissappear but i told her what if they dont? are you gonna rely on smoking? why are you running away from your problems instead of facing them? your gonna regret this one day and i dont want that to happen to you... and then she told me if i do get lung cancer ill just sucide... -______-' at this point i was already pissed off but why would she say she'll just sucide i mean a life is so important then we kept fighting about it and other people started talking to her too and i guess she got to overwhelmed and she deleted the photo.... my friends told me to just give up on her and that she's a lost hope but i dont wanna i mean even though we're not close anymore she's still a very important person to me... what should i do?? should i just i give up?? i really dont wanna lose her but theres only so much i can do... Did i make the wrong choice by fighting with her? this was the first time in a long time we had a conversation tooo... am i a bad friend because i couldn't keep her away from smoking?
(10 Points for Best Answer) Big problem, does anyone know what I should do here?
Forget facebook, people are addicted to that dumb site...they forget what real socializing is, actually talking to people and not just typing to them! All girls love attention, and calling her will not creep her out, it'll get her to see what a nice guy you are. Don't wait till next year! Go for it :)
Dirtbike mechanics, HELP?!?
ok so I'm no mechanic, and I can't afford one, so I guess I'm gonna have to rely on the internet for help here... after about 30/40 minutes of riding ym rt100 dirtbike, the bike start to bog down, no matter what gear its in. it kinda feels like the engines not catching. then it takes me about 20 times to kickstart it again, then it goes for about 5 minutes, adn the same thing. or else I'm driving it back after it initially shutdown, and the engine keeps catching and shuting down, but I can usually make it about a mile doing this. I cleaned the carb and air filter, changed the fuel(made sure there wasn't any debris in the tank) oil and motor oil, put in a new spark plug(the old one was dirty, worn out and loose), and that about it. does anybody have ANY ideas on what could be up with the bike?
Guy trouble???????????????????????…
Hi im a female and i rely need some advice there this guy that i rely like we talked for a bit then he complete ignored more for around 2 months now hes talking 2 me again? What am i ment to make of this????
I have an English Lit exam this week. I have not studied or done anything this year, I hope I do good.
I need some parenting advice / anyone who works has a kid & goes to school?
You can check with your school to see if there are any online school options for you. Some people can actually finish up their high school education online. As far as working goes, this would be a good option for you since you could do your school work around your work schedule, plus it will allow you to be at home with the baby more and you will have to rely on others less. At this stage you need to focus on what is going to be best for you and baby once they arrive. Juggling a job, school, a new baby and a boyfriend is going to be time consuming and a ton of work so anything you can do to make it a little easier on you is going to be great for you and baby both. Good luck to you and finish that education hon! With a baby who is going to need you for the rest of their life, a good education on your part is a darn good start! :)
I'm rely worried about my brother, what should I do?
You need to tell your dad to stop being such a ****. Or the two of you should not speak to him until he starts acting like a decent human being. Just show through your actions that you are with your brother and you will stick up for him.
What will the jobcentre do now?
the job centre has put me on a 7 day course that starts tomorrow haven't been properly inducted to the course because they put me on it like 4 days ago however today i woke up today with chicken pox i said i will ring the guy in charge of the course that i wont be able to attend but what does this mean with the job centre they cant stop my allowance because i can still do my job search like emailing cvs or posting them which is what i do anyway.
Should I go to sleep an rest for my test or finish my project?
I have a big science final tomorrow. Right now I have exactly 100% for my grade this quarter and a 94ish overall for science this year. I have a big english project that I am currently work on. I could finish it in about 2 and a half more hours. But it's midnight. I don't want to be super tired for my final. Should I just finish my project, and get 4 some hours of sleep? or should I go to sleep now, and make an excuse and say I'll bring my english project tomorrow. She said if we brought it late it would be a 50% but I think she's bluffing (she usually does and I am a good student) Yeah, I probably shouldn't have procrastinated. thanks.
How to stop procrastinating on homework?
I'm 13 and in 8th grade. In the beginning of the year i was doing pretty good.. i didn't procrastinate too much and i was an honor student. Now i'm doing TERRIBLE! when i was in 6th and seventh grade, i would always do an assignment the day it's given so i'll get better grades and won't have as much homework later in the week. I was so concerned about my grades at the time i didn't even hang out with friends or leave the house! For some reason, in the middle of this year, it's not that i stopped caring about my grades, i'm really stressed out about them actually! It's just that when i get home, I never feel like doing homework. I just come home, eat, listen to music, play on the computer and start homework at like 7 or 8. then at times when i really don't feel like doing my work, i just say i'll do it in the morning which i usually do. What can i do to stop procrastinating? this has really lowered my grades :( thanks!
Should the band KISS ever be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame?
In my opinion they should be inducted. They popularized hard rock in the seventies. Other artists important enough to be in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame are: Bert Weedon - english guitar player who pioneered instrumental rock in the late 50's, The Shadows, Link Wray, Dick Dale - king of the surf guitar, The Troggs ("Wild Thing"), Johnny Kidd & The Pirates ("Shakin' All Over"), Vince Taylor, Steppenwolf, Blue Cheer, MC 5 - hard rock precursors, The Damned - first english punks to release a longplay, Joy Division, The Cramps, The Stray Cats, The Dire Straits, Steve Ray Vaughan, The Waterboys, Bauhaus, Judas Priest, Slayer and many, many more.
I want to become a missionarie in south america?
I want to be close to the beach and I hate humidity with this being said how much money does it take to live on each month? I know that most of the time churches support missionaries financially but I'm looking to be independent and rely on God! I'm very basic and don't need much. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Who are you rooting for in the Rock vs. Cena match at WM 28?
Me personally I'm rooting for the Rock, especially considering it's in his hometown and he will probably be inducted into the hall of fame.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Honest opinions about ability to be accepted to Harvard?
Everyone applying to Harvard has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores. They accept about 5% of applicants. They turn down thousands of 4.0 students and valedictorians every year. You need all that and a lot more to get in. The music stuff on your application is good, but Harvard isn't known for it's music, so hopefully you're not planning on that as a major. The People to People and Medicine Forum send those invites to everyone, so that's not impressive. What they're looking for is passion, drive, motivation in a particular area, hopefully related to you intended major, and a good reason for attending Harvard - what can they do for you no one else can that's not related to their reputation? Harvard doesn't participate in early decision. Right now, you're about an average applicant - 10% chance or less. But you'd have a great shot at most other schools, and many of those might be a better fit for you and whatever you plan to do.
(10 Points for Best Answer) Big problem, does anyone know what I should do here?
You should get her number and have normal conversations with her. Don't jump to telling her how you feel just yet. Try to hangout with her a few times. Then if you still feel the same tell her how you feel. Although when you hangout with her try to hint that you like her so you don't get stuck in the friend zone.
Am I pregnant? no period for 3 months?
me and my now ex had sex back in march and i cant remember if i had my period that month before we had sex or not but i have yet to start. For like 4 or 5 weeks my boobs got really really sore and i would feel somewhat nauseous. i havnt taken a test yet because i was thinking i couldnt be since we used the withdrawal method and i had read somewhere you can not get pregnant from pre ejaculate. i also read that if done right the withdrawal method works very good and we had already been together almost 2 1/2 years and we have always used that method. Im actually rather scared that i am and thats why i keep procrastinating and not taking a test. im wondering what the likely hood of my being pregnant is
Vladmir Guerrero, Hall of Fame as an Expo?
If Vladdy manages to reach 500 HR during his career, would he be inducted as a Montreal Expo seeing that he spent 7 years there, the most time on any team during his career?
Can you be inducted into NHS your senior year at high school?
I know it is possible at my high school. But, we induct new members towards the beginning of the year. I believe some schools may be different. I recommend you talk to your guidance counselor to see how your school does it.
Will social security be affected if a deal is not reach on the debt ceiling?
I am kind of worried for my grandma. She lives alone in a low rent elder care facility and relies on social security ever since my grandpa passed away. I also have a disabled friend who relies on social security. I keep hearing on the news that if a deal isn't reached, payments may stop. I am kind of worried for them now since they and millions of others depend on the small assistance they get. But, I can't seem to find a definitive answer that I could reassure them that they need not worry or that their worries are justified.
Do you think she likes me? Should I make a move?
ok me and this girl i've had a crush on for awhile used to work at the same place. recently we joined a honor society together, and she begged to go with me to see me get my first tattoo. but lately this past week when we got inducted I had her laughing alot and she asked if I wanted to see a movie with her after but I allready had plans. two weeks later I came into my old work place where she works and she took my order and was kinda flirty. she turned red alot, admired my tan and new muscles. She still wanted to see that movie with me and we set it up. The "date" is tomorrow. How can I find out if she for sure likes me? Should I make a move on her?
How do I motivate myself to have motivation?
I've been told that I have little motivation and drive and that I give up too easily. However I'm sick of this. I'm still working at my same shitty job, I weight 220lbs when 160 is healthier (I'm 5'10) I haven't worked out in a while and I barely have the drive to ho to college even though deep down I want to get a higher education. I'm single because I give myself reasons not to go for a girl. I procrastinate everything. It's like my mind sees no point of even trying. I'm sick of it all an.d I wanna get thin/masculine and go to college, meet and date a beautiful girl, have an excellent job, and continue to strive. Please help me...
Help with a new story idea?
Okay so I recently created a mibba account so I can post my stories on it . I have a new idea for a story. It's about a woman being inducted in the Nhl , and being the first woman to ever play in the Nhl . I need a name for the story and for the girl . I already have decided what team i'm going to use . Please help:)
Is there a chance I could be pregnant?
My boyfriend and i are the most careful and usually rely on the whole pull out thing alone. My period is now 8 days late which isnt bad but i'm always on time. I have sore breasts, fatigue, nausea, and cramping but not bad like before my period always starts. I took a hpt when I was 3 or 4 days late and it was negative so i'm not too worried but want to be reassured
Dartmouth? Do you think I would make it?
I am going to be a senior next year and I was wondering if you think I even have a shot. I have a 4.0 in unweighted grades and a 5.0 in weighted grades. I am wanting to go into journalism. I am on the school newspaper and in the 7th grade i was inducted into the national honors society(And still am) I live in Arkansas. All of my core classes are AP. I have an excellent drive to work and I just really want to do something with my life and get out of ARKANSAS! Haha. But I am also an art student and I am in debate and like to help with set design in our fine arts program. On my ACT I got a thirty two and I havent take the SAT yet. Please tell me if I would even have a chance! OH! And I have lots of community service at our local schools and animal shelters. Thank you!
Does anyone believe that the natural progression of the world is a total open door policy?
The EU is inducting more and more countries into it, making it easy to move country around Europe as long as you are a citizen of an EU country. The US also developed into making 50 states 1 country. Many countries have joined with others so that they have special partnerships where they can move into each other freely. So, does anyone think that the world, given time, will become just one big country, or even just turn into something similar to EU, like a World Union, where all wealth is shared (not like communism) but where Superpowers will also provide for the poorer nations?
I have the same problem. It's almost three in the morning and I'm still up. I have a big final tomorrow. When you find the answer to your problem please holler :)
Am I being a control freak mom?
I think it is great that your baby has so many loving people in his/her life. The baby knows who Mommy is and no matter how much he/she loves Grandma will still love you the "best". Your husband has a different parenting style but that doesn't mean it is better or worse than your own. RElax a little and don't let your Mommy guilt get in the way of your child's bond with ALL the people who love him/her.
(10 Points for Best Answer) Big problem, does anyone know what I should do here?
Tell ur cousin to hang out with the girl you like and tell ur cousin to bring u along. This way u get to know each other better. And then u tell her how u feel about her.
TRUE or FALSE: Life is what you make it?
That's hard. I agree and disagree. I think that we don't have control over life and things happen that we aren't always happy about. But in a sense, it is how we respond to these events and what you do with your time in between these occasions that determines how good or bad our life is I think. So in a way, life is what you make it.
Christians: Should we rely on the intellect or God?
Rely on God to give you wisdom so you can have more knowledge and then you wont necessarily have to think so much. Unless you are like me and like making hypothetical situations in your head.
Based on my grades and volunteer work, should I be able to/what should I do to get into West point/Naval Acad.?
yes just bring your class rank higher and your 91.75 to an A. Also from experience you will have to do a lot of training and studying there.
How can I become a very studious person?
I am at school in my 13th year. Starting to get very bored of the whole school routine. My dream is to become a Chinese teacher. Next year I hope to attend university. Does anyone have any tips on how to change from a lazy person who likes to procrastinate to a very motivated student? I know I have the intelligence it is the motivation I am lacking.. any ideas of how i can improve my motivation or ways in which i can become studious?
R.I.P. Macho Man--What was your favorite memory of Macho Man?
Way too many to name but his fued with dp in wcw, winning the wcw world title and wrestlemania 5 i know he lost the match but he managed to have a 5 star match with hulk hogan not many guys can do that.
What car maker makes the best version of variable-valve timing? (vtec,vvti,mivec etc).?
variable valve timing, not too many cars used to represent it, it used to be just a hidden performance/gas saver, now almost every foreign car and some domestic (vtec,vvti,mivec,etc) honda was the first to brand it i believe, not the first to have it, but which car make has variable valve timing that is the best/most efficient/best performance, my guess is honda since I have a honda and my car is a v6 3.0 and it has absolutely no balls before the vtec kicks in, most hondas rely on vtec's, so whats your opinion/educated guess?
Does my 2 year old have adhd?
ok so my daughter is almost 2 she will be in 2 weeks and ever since she started walking and talking shes been hyper she rarely naps and im lucky to have her in bed by 10:30 on a bad night it can be as late as 1am and she wakes up at about 9am so shes running and playing for about 13 hrs a day and she cant focus on things for more than 5 min tops ill try and have her play soccer / kick a ball around out side she will do it once and be bored with it coloring will last about 30 seconds teaching her things like counting and colors lasts if im lucky 1 min reading a book she begs and screams over usually last the first sentence i could honestly go on forever she just rely cant do the same thing for to long and i think she may have adhd but i don't know the symptoms or if its just normal for her to be like this also any suggestions on fun activity's that burn a tun of energy are more than welcome because im out of ideas
How do organic compounds assist health care and the environment?
Our western society relies on organic compounds. What improvements have been made to assist in health care and environment?
Do you guys think that Batista will be inducted in the HOF?
In my opinion, the only way that Batista will ever be in the HOF is if Evolution makes it in. He had a good career but I don't think it is a career like that of a Triple H or Edge. Batista had a lot of times during his career where he botched the moves that he was doing.
I hate myself and my life - oh and today its my birthday. I'm alone.?
Happy fckun birth day. just wait till u spend crissy, new years valentines day and all them other days alone. have u woken up yet?
What to do about a clingy friend/ Am I over-reacting?
Maybe it's time to not be friends with her anymore. Don't give her anymore advice if she won't take it, it's a waste of your time. Just tell her you are not concerned about her problems when you have more things on your mind, like your medical problems. I don't think she is a good friend and I think you should cut her loose.
I think I have ADD, and I don't know how to tell my mom.?
Just tell her. If she doesn't understand ask a family member to take you to the doctor to get tested 4 it
Do c97 days army basic training qualify for VA mortgage"?
Served 3 months, 7 days in Basic Training 1972. Honorably discharged then because "failed to meet physical requirements in effect when inducted" (due to repeated hospitalizations for pneumonia the army could never 'cure'). Know Basic counts as 'active duty', but do the c97 days qualify or DISqualify me from a VA mortgage????? Thanks for any help!
Is Edge going to be inducted in the hall of fame this year in miami or next year in toronto?
Many within WWE feel that WrestleMania will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013 and both Edge and Trish Stratus will be inducted into the Hall of Fame that year. So him being inducted early next year doesn't seem like the plan, they'd rather do it in his and Trish Stratus's hometown Toronto, Ontario.
Do you think he'd still wanna be friends with me:/?
Sometimes all you can do is apologize and leave it at that. If something good comes from it - great. If not - life goes on.
Monday, August 8, 2011
What type of job can I get since I recieve an entry level separation from? - some of my friends used this site to find entry level part-time jobs in restaurants and department stores.
Pete Rose: Managerial Dreams?
The "Hit King" says, in a recent TSN interview, that he dreams not of being inducted into the HOF but of another managing gig in MLB. If you're a major league general manager or owner, would you even consider Rose as a manager?
Was Pat Smear an official member of Nirvana?
I know he never got to record a studio album with them due to Cobain's death, but because of that I was never sure if Cobain officially inducted him into the band, or if he just brought him in for the 1993-94 tour.
Should I be concerned about my abilities in college?
I am completing community college with a 3.0, and I am pretty lazy. I hate doing homework and I procrastinate on everything. It takes me all day to do 2 hours of homework because I take a 5 minute break every 5 minutes. Is the 2nd half of college harder or the same difficulty? Is it likely a 3.0 student will struggle?
How would you react if a friend told you they loved you?
I'd be flattered. I personally have a few guy friends but there is only one I would tell that I love back. So dont be afraid to tell her but also dont be afraid to get rejected, because it happens.
Is the Hall of Fame getting to a point where it has become point blank, meaningless?
The Hall Of Fame right is like the equivalent to a championship title that has lost it's prestige. The only way that it can be saved, although I know this would NEVER happen is Vince McMahon giving someone one else of authority who has a passion of wrestling control of who's inducted so that biased decisions like Drew Carey, and future biased decisions like Michael Cole(I'm so sure he will get inducted) won't happen.
I was about to begin outpatient treatment but was thrown into jail before it began, can i fight this?
The judge thought I had been procrastinating way too long (WHICH WAS TRUE) but I have been so busy with school that getting into a treatment plan that fit into my schedule was extremely difficult
So what does hydroxycut do for me?
So im 18 years old 6 feet and i weight roughly 177 pounds. Ive been going to the gym for a while now and im trying to shed just a few more pounds and tone up my body (gain a little bit of muscle and just tone my stomach a tiny bit.) I recently saw the commercial for hydroxycut and ive been interested in this pill for quite some time but i never really payed much attention to it. I understand a lot of diet pills don't magically make you lose weight but lets say that i were to take this pill a long with proper diet and exercise will i notice results a little bit quicker then normal? Again i am NOT relying on this pill alone im still going to go to the gym but i just wanted to know if this will help at all? Id also love to hear from people that used this pill first hand. How did it effect you? Did you get the results you desired? or did you even notice yourself losing a few pounds more quickly the usual?
What do you think about a Attitude Era themed Hall Of Fame?
Cool idea in theory, but they would not at all induct that many big names in one hall of fame. Vince is all about money, and you make they money by spreading everybody out over time (aka milking it for everything it's worth)
So, just how awesome was Harmon Killebrew?
For a long time, he held the post-war record -- and possibly the all-time record, though information gets spottier back in deep time -- for most plate appearances without laying down a sacrifice bunt. That mark belongs to Frank Thomas now, but the Twins never, ever asked Killebrew to try and give up his out for the team. They knew what they had at the plate when he stood in.
Help on english research paper PLEASE!?
Do your best; it's too late for any one to research and write the paper for you. Let this be a lesson about procrastinating.
Please help me and tell my why i feel this way about my parents?
ok so i am starting to hate my mum and dad. I am 18. Basically i have waitd 1.5years to go to uni. I can't because we dont have money to send me. I cant even do a simple course because we dont have money. My father doesn't work and relies on our farm/picnic spot to make our ends meet...which my mother works at just to get some money. I did poorly at school so i hate myself for that. I am not allowed clubbing which really sucks and i can't even get a guy. My dad managed to have another woman and get a child from her. This kills me inside. My father always yells at me and abuses me...says things like b***h. Im told he loves me to bits. But that surely doesnt seem like it. All my friends have deserted me since they have gone of to uni. When they come bck for holidays they dont meet up. I can't work because i live far from the city in kenya. I live at the countryside. I sometimes think of suicide but have no guts to do it. In my religion they say if you dont like your parents then you are considered evil. Whats wrong with me? Why do i feel like this? I sometimes try to hurt my self my scratching my arm when i am angry. Whats wrong with me? Will i ever see light at the end of the tunnel? I really wish i could have stable relationships with everybody and be liked.
WWE Hall Of Fame 2012?
One person hands down..... Chyna.... she ushered in an era for the "real" female body builders to compete in the squared circle. Its sad that there are not really many real women wrestlers in the WWE (seems they prefer, pretty girls that have no real in ring skills...)
A question about faith...?
To make a long story short, I've always done way too much for other people and let other people dictate to me what I was going to do with my life and how I was going to live it. That has left me nowhere. I relied on my daughter's father to be a "father" but because I didn't do things his way, he would stop taking her so I couldn't work, and had to quit. That is my fault for trusting in someone, and now I know this, and will make sure going forward, that I do not rely on him. HOWEVER, it's all lead up to me being unemployed, living with emotionally abusive parents (the reason I've been living to always get the "approval" from others rather than myself) and unable to find work. I ask the questions about faith because I'm a believer but I still don't understand fully I guess. I've had faith for months that I would find work, and things will start to get better. Yes, every now and then I get a little stressed because I have bills to pay too, and my money is running out. I have faith that God will open doors, but when? Stupid question? Probably, but at what point does something give? It's been 3 entire months! I feel like I'm missing something here....because I don't understand one drop of it. My friends say they would never go to Vegas with me and never stand near me in a thunderstorm, if that gives you any idea of how things work in my favour. Help!
Information on starting Resident Evil 5?
If you have never played any Resident Evil before, this one will put you off them all. Resident Evil 5 is the worst Resident Evil game. The first one was awesome, the second was pretty good, the third was really good, the fourth got lazy, now it just sucks. Resident Evil 5 just doesn't have the same atmosphere as the previous games, not even giving you any frights whatsoever, with the use of crappy-looking zombies. I'd suggest waiting for either Resident Evil 6 or Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. There is also a Resident Evil: Revelations for the 3DS if you want that. Just don't let Resident Evil 5 ruin the other games for you.
Where should i live in dayton, ohio area?
I am moving to waynesville, ohio with my parents til I find a job so if anyone has any job tips that would be appreciated too..I have a business degree so anything administrative, hr, hospitality would be great! after finding a job I want to move out on my own..I'm 26 and single, and looking for an apartment community to live in where there are lots of young professional singles who like to socialize with their neighbors so I can make friends! I dont know anyone here so I will be relying on my job and place to live to meet new friends! Thanks for any help you can give me!
do your homework or you'll end up the 40 year old virgin working a 12-hour shift at Micky D's, serving burgers to fat*sses that'll threaten to sit on you if you don't givem the half off deal. then you'll come home to your 27 cats, cuz no one wants to marry a 40 year old loser that failed high school and spends their time shoving fries up fat*asses all day.
I have a fear of getting fat?
Okay, So I'm currently 18 years old & im 118 pounds & stand at 5'1.. yes, I'm aware that I'm short:(! But anyways.. im content with my body, i have a cute butt flat stomach & im a C cup, and feel happy. I'm afraid that I'll get fat as I grow older!:( I rely on my body a lot, and I currently keep in shape by dancing. and If i ever do get fat I'd rather be dead. honestly. nothing against anyone. how do I prevent gaining weight:(
Hi, ethan here asking: can pineapples be eaten daily?
I read in the internet that it said pineapples are safe to eat, but it potional risk cause neusea and vomiting.for consuming them. is this true or is this what they mean for people who rely on medcine. i wanted to eat pineapples daily, BUT now im worried about this, is it okay if i want to eat pineapples daily?
yes u will. u have jr and sr year to jump forward. do it. u can do it. study / apportion hours to rest / exercise etc. avoid junk / processed food / coffee. eat good brainy type of food. and u will see how u can excel. will help confidence building and +veness. all the best
This is not a disrespect to NWA Legends : Does WWE do the right thing inducting NWA Legends into WWE HOF?
The Hall of Fame is Vince's baby. He only puts people he wants. As for NWA guys he will because for one, some still work for him perhaps in other positions. Two because of money. By including Dusty Rhodes, his fans and NWA fans may buy wrestlemania dvds to see there guy being inducted etc. Its just a money thing. Vince kind of wants it to be a pro wrestling hall of fame but whilst still calling it WWE.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
School Bags for my style please?
Im already lookimg fr bags fr next yr so i dont procrastinate. i have an urbn outfitters type of style and i dont wants jansport or things like that. i want a vintagey sort of rucksack/ backpack. thnx
Liberals: will you continue using the malicious "teabagger" line or come to the table and debate real issues?
Are you not ashamed that you rely on nothing more than personal attacks in an election like the useful idiots of a 3rd world hack running for office?
(10 Points for Best Answer) Big problem, does anyone know what I should do here?
I think that you should definitely ask around for her number. Honestly, it does seem kind of creepy, yes, but I'm sure that the "creepy-ness" would go away after you tell her the situation. I know if a guy contacted me telling me this, I would love to hang out with him and be flattered. Go for it, don't risk not seeing her next year.
What disorder do I have or could I have?
It�s not right of anyone to say a condition over the web without a proper psychiatric evaluation. However, don�t take this answer too seriously, but the symptoms you write could sound like Anxiety to me, but I am no psychiatrist. It could help to change your diet, to something more healthy. Maybe eat more of everything, depends on your current diet. Set yourself goals you know you can accomplish and discipline yourself into doing them.
I recently got back into yu-gi-oh cards and I want to build a good chaos deck that is tournament legal.?
A deck list would be very much appreciated and chaos sorcerer MUST be in the deck. And I have limited access to the cards I can get since I live in a crappy town where I can`t buy one card at a time and have to rely on luck and buy packs. Thanks in advance.
I have no idea what to do about this!?
You are not only in a funk, you are depressed and it takes awhile to get back on track. I would hope that there is a hotline in your area for people who just need to talk things out with someone. Sometimes that helps, or if you have another close friend that you can talk to it will help. You have to be able to realize that you aren't doing what you need to do when you are putting that junk food in your mouth or whatever it is and decide right then that you need to change your ways. So sorry this has happened to you. Git up, go out and find some new friends (not boyfriends yet) and make yourself have some fun.
My younger brother is mean and has no respect for me, my family, or basically anyone for that matter?
learn what annoys him and don't do it. he will also grow out of it, it is just what boys of that age are like to their older or younger sisters.
I have the same problem. It's almost three in the morning and I'm still up. I have a big final tomorrow. When you find the answer to your problem please holler :)
Suicidal because of tution.?
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
K so im stupid and
im taking the ACT tomorrow and last time i got a 16 on the math part...i need at least a 21 to get into college algebra.. is there a site where i can briefly brush up on some algebra? thanks!
Does relativism make morality more difficult to decide?
Does recognizing relativity and subjectivity mean that people must debate the underlying principles and investigate the real consequences associated with moral choices rather than relying on lists of absolute morality that require little thought?
Do you ever feel that it is ultimately hard to not procrastinate?
Word. I didn't study for finals at all today and I had the entire day. I couldn't concentrate on anything and life sucks.
Please help....what should i do?
start your job save enough money and bounce my dear...u are not alone, thers alot of people with these kinds of problems..i live in namibia i would sugest you take a trip down here its a beautiful place.if all else fails try smoking weed....this will give u that little thing called fuckit..hope every thing works out for you..
What's your schedule look like?
Mine is soo aggravatingly busy :( I have to make up a math test on the same day as a ninety minute math state test, I have a Spanish test somewhere in all this, and I'm being inducted into this 'National Art Society', or some official title like that (too long to recite of the top of my head). All in the same day!! And all week I also scattered big things everywhere. Arghhhh!!
Sony Vegas 10.0 Stopped responding! Didn't save file! HELP?
So I was working on a really important video in Sony Vegas 10. It was the first time in a long time that I got inspiration and was willing to make a video. I procrastinated this video for a few months. I used Sony Vegas plenty of times in those few months for other videos with no problem. Every so often the program stops responding, but it goes back to normal in seconds. But then there are times when it refuses to respond and I can't do anything about it but close the program. It already stopped responding the first time I was making my video and it auto-saved for me... thank goodness! But as I was JUST about to save it it froze up again. I know if I close it I'll lose all my hard work, I don't want to repeat it again, it won't be as good and it's just wasting my time. I remember there was a folder for auto-saved files in Sony Vegas's file somewhere, maybe it's there and I can open it up and use it again, anyone know where that's located on my computer? Is there a way to make it respond in the first place? PLEASE HELP!! I don't want to lose all my hard work I worked on for hours! :(
Should I see a therapist?
I think the first thing to do, is to meet people your age. Get out and do something you like, and you'll meet people your age; that will help some I think. I think it would be good to see a psychologist because they can help you get down to the root of your problem, but it seems like you're doing that pretty well on your own. I think that taking a couple of classes at a community college near you may help to. That will get you out and doing things, you will learn a few things in the process and you might find something you like to do enough to strive for it.
How can a college grad get a job with no job experience whatsoever?
Hi. I'm currently a senior (22 yrs old) here in California but spending an extra year to finish and I am majoring in BS Forensic Chemistry...I still have 43 more quarter units to go (12 classes) after finishing this quarter I am attending now. Anyway, by June 2012, I'm likely to be done with my degree. However, my problem is I have never had a job before. I tried to focus on school a lot in high school (ended with a 4.03 GPA there) and early college that I didn't want work to bother me...and so my tuition were taken from grants and loans only. So what I am saying is I am scared that I might not get any job after college because I have basically not worked before,, I was never involved in sports or clubs nor have I volunteered to do anything. All I can put in my resume is my high school gpa, college degree in chemistry (once I graduae) and the honor society I was inducted from...that's all. I know I can sign up for summer laboratory internships but even those require some job experience.. What should I do? I'm only about a year away from walking the stage and yet I have nothing to put in my resume regarding job experience or internships. I feel so screwed because I know the fellow people majoring in my field also might be more qualified than me because they're experienced while I have zero, zilch, nada. Is there any hope for me? I am aware of California's economy right now but I would like to at least be qualified. I have nothing but academic achievements and/or high gpa in high school and college (currently 3.49).
How do you feel about this?
I work at a local grocery store and I saw something this morning that completely enraged me. I had a lady come through my lane with 5 kids and about 200 dollars worth of junk food and pop which she paid for with her food stamp card. Now I have never had to rely on food stamps and my husband makes enough to where I will probably never have to, that being said I am not totally against welfare. So this lady and I got to talking about the economy and that stuff and I asked what she did for a job, She said " Girl I have never had a job and I ain't never gonna get one either. I got 5 kids and I get my apartment paid for I get my food paid for plus I get cash assistance and a free cell phone the government gives me everything I need."
What do the classical contributors make of the parlous state of orchestras around the world?
Your absolutely right. It seems we live in an age where fine arts are being neglected by people in general. I love classical music and going to the orchestra. I'm also a piano teacher. One thing that may be a factor is the bad state of the economy. Many people just don't have the extra funds to go to see orchestra concerts. Also, I think people today have less sophisticated taste in music than they did even 20-50 years ago. Sad to say many would rather go see that stupid Bieber kid than listen to real music from an orchestra. In some cities there are volunteer orchestras and free concerts. So, that may be an option for some people. I live in Houston and thankfully we have pretty good support for the symphony and fine arts in our city. Along with that we have two major universities that form an enclave for support in classical music and the arts. Such as the University of Houston Moores school of music and the Rice University music department. I think the only thing we can do is try to help people be more aware of the joy and glory of classical music and the symphony. Creating more interest in orchestras and their decline may help to save them. Thanks for your post.
Will Lawrence Taylor ever be inducted into the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall Of Fame?
I admit that he gave a great match against Bam Bam Bigelow and for that he would seem to be more deserving of induction than Drew Carrey. But, will Taylor's recent legal troubles after being arrested for having sex with a 16 year old runaway girl and his status as a sex offender keep the WWE from being willing to induct him to the celebrity wing of the Hall Of Fame?
Falling back into a heap? Rambling till the word count runs out.?
A lot of people your age feel the same way you do. it doesn't make it any easier. I think you should see a therapist. have someone to talk to about these issues with, get a better perspective. life is like this for many of us, it is hard.
Am I being over dramatic?
So my stepdad and I have a lot of fights normally but not like this. We had a big fight and I guess I have sensitive ears, cuz if someone raises their voice I consider it to be yelling. So we were fighting and I was telling him to not yell at me and he was. He started telling me that it's wrong for me to think he's yelling, and it's wrong o me to perceive things the way I do. He also says I am procrastinating everything. I got up and told him I was done with the conversation because to me it seemed like he was telling me it's wrong to be, well, me. He's yelling at me through my door now and I am refusing to come out because I don't want him to insult who I am. Am I being dramatic? Is he being mean?? Sorry but I need someone else opinion on this. Thanks !
Pensions and strikes?
The banks are private industries and therefore regardless of how much private pension they get, they still have to work until they are 66 to get their government pension and that is how it is for all employees in the private sector, we can all retire at 55 with our private pensions but we have to wait until we are 66 to get the government one, the employees in the public sector have the best of the pension world, their pensions are mostly paid for from our taxes with the employees themselves paying in only a very small amount and yet they can retire at 55, ten years before I can, so the question that I would ask is, do you think that a teacher or other public worker deserves to work ten years less than you and can enjoy their retirement ten years before you bearing in mind that your taxes have paid for their retirement fund? if you want to do the same and retire at 55 you would need to pay in at least a third of your income to a private pension fund for many years so that you have enough money to live on without the government pension for ten years, teachers, police and council workers do not have to do that.
Should I be a kindergarten teacher?
I like kids and my mom is always telling me that I could be a teacher because I'm so patient but I looked up the salary in my state and it's only $38,000 a year and I know it's about more than money, I think I would enjoy being a teacher but I have also been considering becoming a physical therapist because I want to help people and the salary is about twice the amount of a teacher, but they don't offer physical therapy as a major in pretty much any colleges. I have no idea why but they don't and I want to go to college. I wouldn't care that much about the salary but I really really want to travel the world, and I don't think I would be able to do that on a teacher's salary unless I marry someone who has a better job but I don't want to rely on that. Oh I'm sorry I'm rambling. Please just give me your insight. What would you do? Thanks for your time.
Mental health, where to start?
I think you should go and talk to your family doctor, you don't need to vent and whine to them. You can keep it pretty general and ask to be referred to a psychiatrist, if they ask you any questions answer as truthfully as you can. Its their job to try and help you, if they aren't helpful then ask for a second opinion from someone else at the practice. In my experience, the Psychs that you can just independently seek out are more expensive but if you want to pay more to bypass your GP then that's up to you. This isn't something that can be diagnosed by strangers online so do definitely go to a professional with your concerns.
Laptop or Desktop for incoming sophomore at a college preparatory high school?
the main benefit of a laptop is the portability. This can be a huge benefit, allowing you to take your computer to and from work, on planes, on camping trips, and practically anywhere else. Along with this benefit comes a large drawback. It is just as easy for someone else to walk off with it as it is for you. Laptops are stolen at an alarming rate, because they are just so easy to steal. And when that computer is stolen, not only do you lose the value of the computer, but also all of your valuable data.
Help with a dalai lama quote?
There's a quote by the dalai lama about how humanity depends and relies on material things such as the Internet, it's a lengthy quote and I forgot it, any one know it? Thanks
Saturday, August 6, 2011
When Trish and Lita get inducted into the WWE hall of fame, who would induct them?
Surely they're both going to be inducted, but I can't think who would induct them. No one for me stands out for Trish. as for Lita, the hardy boys seemed like the obvious choice, but as they're working at TNA now, it probably wouldn't be allowed if it stayed this way. You lot got any idea who would induct them?
I'm 16 and I feel like **** all the time. I'm so depressed no one reley likes me I don't fit in?
I have so much anxiety. I'm using drugs as away to get out. Now I snorted some adhd meeds stupid I know.those drugs r not my drug of choice but I almost overdosed so I'm quitting all drugs exept weed all I do is smoke weed literally my dads dying he's got empysima i just stared tobcome close to him cause he is now a year in a bit sober and he is a total deferent person on drugs but now I dint want to loose him I love my mom but she's in a bad mood all the time it's not her fault she's under alot of stress but me my mom an my sister are always fighting I'm going crazy It feels like I cant leave my house no one likes me seriously only wen I'm selling drugs witch I stopped cause probation but everyone has it better then me seriously I feel rely jelouse n I don't get jealous easy cause I'm used to be a stupid pieace of **** but I cant take this pain anymore I don't no what to do I have no one to talk to haha it's kinda pathetic reley bub yea someone plz help
I dont know what to do, my life is becoming more complicated than I thought anyone help? (Read Details Please)?
This will be sort of long but I hope i get help. I have a passion for music but i have no experience in making music myself but i have wanted to for some time now about 2 years and my parents do not agree with me. They believe that I am still acting like a small child and thinking like one too they dont believe that this is what I really want and with the little freedom that they provide me i cannot prove them wrong either. They do not allow me to leave the house alone at any time and if i want to go to my friends house it has to be on the weekend and they drive me there. I want to play the guitar, well learn first how to play it but there is no way that i can learn without the approval of my parents. If i ask for lessons they will get mad and say that there is no money but if i do not ask for the lessons then they will believe that I am not interested in them and it makes everything complicated. I do deserve these lessons I have gotten the best grades i can get and was inducted into the National Honor Society and that is an incredible event. I am not saying that my parents do not care about this, I am saying that this is the only thing they see in me is great grades and no what I want which is being able to make music and learn how to play the guitar or an instrument. I would love to ask the music teacher in my high school but I have tried and it seems he is never there when I am trying to find him and the day ends up becoming meaningless. I need advice on what to do and good advice because talking with my parents about what I want wont work because I have tried it before and it led to arguing which is what i really want to avoid. I really want to make music and it is the only thing that pops in my mind even if i try to avoid thinking about it, it will somehow go back in my mind and will not go away. I am desperate for help and really want this i want this opportunity to play music or learn how to play an instrument. Just imaging me playing the electric guitar gets me excited and it is one of my dreams to make music. Please someone help and thank you for your time. My name is Luis and I attend James J. Ferris High School in New Jersey
Does anyone think Derrick Rose will be inducted to the hall of fame?
I know it's to early to tell, but if he keeps playing like the way he has this season I think he'll have a good chance.
Am i being too needy by wanting this from my boyfriend? :(?
Relationships tend to change and some of the shine can wear off after a few years. It's really important that you talk to him the next time you see him. Not over the phone or through text. Write a list of ten things you need from him and ten things you want from him. Take your time writing your list and make sure the things you write are important to you. When you get a chance to talk to him let him know how much you care about him and that you thought it might be a good idea to go over it with him so he can have an understanding about what you are feeling. Encourage him to do the same. It's interesting to find out that what you think your partner needs or wants is usually somewhat different than what you imagined. This might sound corny, but believe me it works. Even if you don't feel comfortable showing him this list, do it for yourself. It will help you identify the areas that are lacking in the relationship for you so when you talk to him you'll know what you'd like to bring up. Don't make it into an argument. Just talk to him and see if he can open up about how he's been feeling as well.
How much would an Ozzie Smith autograph be worth?
I'm not looking to get rid of it just yet, but when Ozzie Smith was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2002, they made a vast variety of products. He visited my school in 2007, right after my father passed away, and my principal had me meet him. He gave me 2 National Baseball Hall of Fame 2002 yearbooks that were signed by him (He signed them in front of me!), as well as a National Hall of Fame autographed baseball, and a autographed baseball cap. How much would these all be worth? They're defidently all authentic too, I met him!
My ex just got married and continues to contact me. Need some advice.?
He called you his best friend & all he is doing is texting his best friend...there is nothing wrong with being friends with a married man but ask him if his wife knows about you & if she doesn't tell him that he should tell her about you...the more transparent the friendship is the better, it may even be best to meet her in person. Open book policy...let the wife know you so that there is no hidden agendas, let the wife even have your number in case she wants to call you or whatever...the wife needs to know you intentions is pure...even if her husbands intentions may not be
No internet connection after power outage(s)?
This could just be a coincidence and your modem has passed away. Why not call your internet provider? I'm sure they can help you a lot more then Y!A.
If something works, does that imply it's right?
No, it's not always the case.. When texting, we tend to do "shortcuts" (I don't do it anyway, I always write the whole words because shortcuts irritates me), we "get" the essence of the message, yes but is it "proper"? No, gramatically it is wrong.. It's like this: Doing things the right way is not always enjoyable (a kid is not allowed to watch TV beyond 8 pm, it's not fun for the kid since he would still want to watch up until 9 pm but to follow his parents is the right thing to do) but doing enjoyable things doesn't mean that those are the right things to do (the kid insisted to watch TV up until 10 PM and disobeyed his parents. The kid enjoyed watching TV but disobeying his parents' orders is not right).. If something works, it doesn't always mean it is right... We could accept that it works but if we are to follow certain "standards", most likely it would fail.. It's always better to make something work and it's right at the same time...
FAT/PREGNANT guppy&mollies?
just let it happen, the patties will eat them if they do not have enough cover. But My guppies don't eat the fry.
Can I still get into a good college?
Try . They have many Movies and TV shows I have not seen in ages and they're still adding more.
What WWE divas will be inducted into the Hall of Fame?
I Agree with everyone else on Lita and Trish. But considering Trish is working with the WWE on tough enough currently and Lita doesn't really care for the company anymore, i think Trish will be inducted first.
Why Bill Goldberg isn't a Hall Of Famer?
I read that HHH and Shawn Michaels said that to be in Hall Of Fame you must wrestle for a lot of years and Goldberg wasn't fighting for a lot of time but we must not forget his undefeated streak and how the fans loved him. So do you believe if he is ever going to be inducted to the Hall Of Fame and why isn't he already in? Also why the WWE didn't renew his contract?
Plan B and a very early period?
Yes, this is normal. When I took blan B (it was 5 years ago though) the same thing happen to me. Also, your period is going to be irregular for a few monts too (mine was about 3). After that you should go back to normal. Everything is different, but your story was very similar to mine. I did have speratic spotting for a while too.
Soon to be inducted offically into the Russian Orthodox Church...what to expect?
I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, done by sprinkling at the age of 3 months into the Methodist Church. Do they require full immersion? Will I be Baptized again? What will this ceremony be like?
Who the hell decided to base all music upon Rock n Roll?
So have you figured out yet the the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is not about the music? It's about money pure and simpl. Pop music should be harshly criticized, it has gone vastly down hill since the 80's and if it was a true genre it would be gone by now for lack of new ideas.
I feel like committing suicide?
Recently, I've been going through a lot. I've adjusted to a lot of changes in such a small amount of time. My mom is a gambler, my dad is in jail, and my cousin and boyfriend took me in and they moved from Philly to New Jersey just for me. I am absolutely grateful for the things they've done for me. They wanted me to experience high school like they did and they wanted me to be happy because I never was happy when I lived with my mom. My grades were slipping after 2nd marking period and I went through a lot of anxiety and I ran away and went to the ER for an overdose on Tylenol. I did those things because I didn't want to try anymore and I didn't feel like I was giving them what they needed from me and they're not asking for straight a's or anything. I did fine this marking period but English was horrible. I had a problem with lying to them about turning in certain things for school just because I wanted to stall time and do it later. And I'm not lazy, I just procrastinated a lot. Of course they found out and they got upset because I wasn't communicating with them and I haven't had a real conversation with them in a month. I feel like I'm living in a dormitory with them and we're all strangers. I never apologized to them because I'm afraid they're going to hit me, because my mom did when I was in 5th grade and my cousin hit her brother back then. Her boyfriend doesn't know about her abusing her brother but he does know about my mom. That's the real reason why I can't talk to them because I'm so scared she'll hit me. And they're so infuriated with me because I won't speak up. They said that if I don't speak up by the end of finals (this Tuesday), I can go live somewhere else. I have no other home and I have no other family that would take me in because they'd probably side with her. And they look at this communication thing as if I murdered someone and I'm not a bad kid at all. I did very well before high school started, I never go into drugs or alcohol.Icanttypemore
Are we relying on the government too much?
Many people get obese, have malnutrition, take harmful substances and expect the NHS to fix them. They are endangering the future of the NHS.
Who do U think should be in the Wrestling Hall Of Fame?
Definetely Bruno Sammartino he is the greatest WWF Champion ever!He held the title for a combined length of 11 years and Drew Carey is in the Hall of Fame and he's not!I would also have Owen Hart in there because he was a great wrestler an had the ebst opening match at Wrestlemania X against Bret ''The Hitman'' Hart but unfortunately he will never get into the Hall of Fame since his wife doesn't want WWE to have anything to do with him or ever mention he's just like Chris Benoit to the WWE now!Other inductees I would have are The Rock,Trish Stratus,''Macho Man'' Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior
How to use the word personification and what does it mean?
what are good examples of personification. sentences please. ive heard some say " im the pronnification of strength." i think they meant personification not sure though. they also said if you become to needy and rely to much on others your the personification of weakness and venerability. im confused. whats the best way to explain how this word is use and what does it mean.
How do i get my mum to stop being immature and unfair?
My mum always thinks she is right about everything. She makes me feel like s*** all the time. She swears at me all the time calling me the worst possible swear words and she always says she hated me from the first days she ever saw me in her life. Its not my fault she had me. I think she blames all her life problems on me, her anger from her marriage problems is projected onto me. The other day she had a go at me for going in her room getting a bag of chips when she went in my room and looked at all my receipts and drawers. Because i had a go at her, she said she is no longer going to wash my clothes, take me to school or cook me dinner. Those are the only things I rely on her for, other than that i just sit in my room listen to music and study. I dont want to talk to her because she never listens and she is too stubborn to admit she was wrong.
Do you think they'll induct Randy Savage into the Hall Of Fame now?
Definitely. This is what pisses me off about the HOF though. There are so many people sitting on overdue inductions while people like Drew Carey get inducted. WTF. Randy Savage should have been inducted a LONG time ago.
How do some people stop procrastinating?
my worst enemy is my self, all my goals I have I just get bored and put them aside and come back to it a week or month later. I do it with everything but I always forget what I learned after a week so it's no good. I know I have to keep learning every day to improve. but to keep learning and practicing it's like pushing through the pain, I don't know how some people do it.
Does anybody here follow their intuition or conscience?
"Also, sometimes I will tell somebody I'm going to their house but if my heart tells me not to go, I won't show up even though they are expecting me to appear." That is extremely douchey!
Just received a WAKE UP CALL!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?
Tell your mum that if she leaves sweets, you can't control yourself, your only human! You need support and encouragement from people around you... And healthy food!
Writers: If you had your choice of literary agencies...?
I would also go for the smaller agency that's been around for five years. I knew someone who had an agent at a large agency and he was impossible to get in touch with; you never knew whether he was actually doing his job or submitting your work. The most important thing in an agent is someone who believes in your work and who can always be reached, and who you can trust.
Does the Air Force ever get into combat? Seems like the Navy and it's carriers have more of a reach?
If the Air Force is involved in a conflict, isn't it a complicated endeavour to mobilize fighters around the world? Or are they relied on more for strategic missions like bombing and air support for ground troops?
What does the degree have to be?
I'm 16, and I love to study, I know that with my life, I want to be a computer software engineer, and develope applications and systems and like I never get tired of learning(This just started recently, irony in this is that I was going to drop out, but I kept procrastinating). But I would also like to go to law school and medical school(Just to learn), but to do that, I read somewhere you like have to have a bachelor's degree to go to medical school/law school, like, what do I need a degree in to go to do that after college? Like If I go and get a degree in computer science, will I need to go to college for another four years before I actually get to start law or medical school or is it any bachelors degree? Sorry if this is a dumb question o.o as I said before I didn't even think of college before so I really don't know much. Thank you for your time and answers.
If you could 10 drivers racing today and induct into the nascar hof who would they be and why?
My top 10 would be JJ, JG,Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart, Mark Martin, Carl Edwards, Matt Kenseth, Denny Hamlin
I need serious Psychiatric help... possible diagnosises? Anything?
if you call 911 and tell them you need help because you feel like committing suicide then they have no choice but to put you in a psychiatric hospital, and there they will evaluate you and keep you safe until they feel you are ready to leave, and before you leave they will make sure they set up an outside support system such as therapy that works for you, and your income.
Smoked spice for the first time. bad trip.?
NAH your fine. lol each brand will give you a different feeling. I would try some different stuff. See which one you like better FAIR WARNING!!! some give you intense headaches after you come down... and in some states it is now illegal to smoke Spice.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Please, I need study habits that are majorly and proven effective!?
Okay, so I'm actually procrastinating now, but I really want to get on with my work after this. Look, I need advice from a super smart honor student here. I need ways to be the top of the class, to be the smartest cookie, and to be the one to beat. I just don't know how. Please help me. Oh, and kindly give me advice on how to recite more frequently. You see, I'm having a difficulty regarding this because I usually construct a sentence in my head first before speaking, so I get beaten by other students in class who are quick thinkers. Thanks very much. :)
The best electronic cigarette?
My mom quit smoking a few years ago, but now she is falling into addiction again. I told her that she needs to try E-cigarettes and she agreed to buy some. But she has been procrastinating on doing that, so I am going to get some for her. My question is: What is the best E-Cigarette for the price?? & is there any other information I should know about them?
How can I get over my laziness and stop procrastinating?
I am starting high school and I am way too lazy. Then when I think I'm going to do something about it I say "I'll do that later." again and again then I don't do it. Pretty bad..
Good ways to motivate yourself?
I need to do some and I keep on procrastinating, over and over again. What is there I can do to keep concentration?
Christopher won't do his homework?
So I have a son named Christopher who is 12 and keeps procrastinating. I have tried everything, from grounding to stop him from talking to friends and if I do any of that stuff, he just cusses me out and I'm sick of it. He calls me an asshole and a *****. I tell him you are almost in eight grade, you need to start acting like a young man and he just says I am not a young man yet and who gives you the right to make me grow up. The bottom line is I need serious help. What should I do?
How do you think my HC interview went?
You focused on your leadership skills, you took responsibility for your actions and behaviors. You didn't make excuses. You were nervous, they expect that, I bet every girl was nervous. I hope you get it.
What do you think I should do?
I retired from my school's baseball team this Friday at grade 11th got inducted to the HOF and number retired #44 a batting average over .450 since high school and pitched as a starter. This is all great but the problem is I don't want to! I'm from Taiwan and my parents are just tradition-minded they insist on me retiring so I can focus on study next year in order to apply for a great college I tried negotiating but they are just stubborn. I want to continue playing ball and coach said he will take my number off the HOF if I rejoin but it'll be worth it. My last SAT diagnostic test was 1700 man.... I'm about to fight my parents I know asking online won't help a lot but please help me if you have any idea.
I'm not trying to be funny but.........?
How can you call Julius C a Liar, Do you personally know him, as in a family relative? if not I would take his word over yours''. nothing personal but for all I know you could be the one who's Lying''. I wouldn't push jealousy past you. Since you hate a person for no reason
Isn't it obvious that all of the so called atheists here still believe that it's possible Yahweh exist?
Is that why you guys constantly ask questions bashing Him? And rely on each other for moral support, to try to keep yourselves convinced that He doesn't exist? If you don't believe something exist, then why worry about it? For example, I don't believe Thor exist, so I never bash him, or think about him. I was in your shoes not to long ago! I would say things like "It's impossible for Yahweh to exist!" and I bashed Yahweh's name, to try to further convince myself, that He didn't exist. But deep down I knew He was there, I could feel Him! I strongly suspect atheists all put on a tough front, of not believing Yahweh exist, but deep down there is fear that they are wrong!
Why should you be inducted into the Hall of Fame?
I'm the only one in town that does a cartwheel every time I drop off my payment at the utility companies. Always at night and dressed in black.
How bad would it be if i drank this?
I dont give a crap about tastes here but I have a 12 pack or somehting of Coors that has been sitting in a cooler in a bush for 4-6 months will i get sick from drinking it it tastes off cus its old and got rely hot i just want to know if i will get sick or die or somehting if i dirnk it
Whats wrong with me....?
I cant make emotional connections with people..I don't feel connected to family members or even my boyfriend but I know I care for them I just feel like I cant break through something inside me to be able to make that bond. Although I can/do make emotional connections with animals, such as my two dogs. I feel like im their protector and that they rely one me and will love me no matter what and will never hurt/leave/disappoint me. I want to feel this way with people I care about in my life. I just don't know how. I know im capable of making these human connections because I have before when I was younger I felt this way with my close friends (but never really did with my family), who I no longer have due to falling outs (my friends not my family). I have felt this way for years im 21 now and have been feeling this way for about 5-6 years, and have started taking antidepression medication about a year ago it has helped me feel better and be happier but im still not about to make emotional bonds. feeling this emotional block from other humans is making me feel very alone and isolated.
Do you think Snooki will be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame in the future?
Probably, I wouldn't put it past them considering they inducted celebrity Drew Carey, a guy who had nothing to do with the WWE and just made a one time appearance at the 2001 Royal Rumble into it, so technically what would stop them from inducting Snooki, or any other celebrity that came in the WWE this past year, Donal Trump, Floyd Mayweather etc. It's a joke but I wouldn't put it past them.
Hate to live.....plz help me?
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. i too am very shy sometimes in public and i fantasize about having girls cry over me and people wanting my autograph but i know you dont want a comparision between me and you. ok, when you dont have anyone else to talk to TALK TO YOURSELF. this may seem weird but it works. you shouldnt procrastinate because people may think you are lazy which is not a good look especially if you care what people think about you. people will criticize you on some things but not ALL the things. you dont have to worry about much.take the meds. chill out, relax, youll be fine.if you hate being blamed then help out moree than you think you should. or dont help out as much as others expect you to. whichever way it goes, if something really goes wrong, it wont be your fault. if talking to your friend mellows you out then DO THAT. if you think negativley, talk to them again. and tell them about it. your mother probably doesnt mean what she says.. if she does.. there is nothing you can realy do about that. but dont take that into a conclusion of suicide. your only 21, you would be missing things that can be only too good to be true in your near future that you would not want to miss trust me.....
Who do you think will be at the Hall of Fame induction (other than the inductees)?
Mybe Julio Cesar Chavez Jr and his coach Freddie Roach! Also probably Emmanuel Steward and Teddy Atlas
What techniques does beatty advocate for keeping people happy in farenheit 451?
i have a last minute assignment due today i know it was dumb to procrastinate but can somebody please help me soon?!?
Which outfit will be best? ?
Outfit 1 sounds good to me, smart though not over the top, blue is a good color for formal outfits, very noticeable, so go for it and good luck! hope you enjoy the day.
Please help, wanna gain better habits for school?
imma freshamn/sophomore (going to tenth this fall). i dunno why i'm so depressed. i got about a 3.125 this year, i know i have 3 more years but for some reason i keep thinking theres no chance for me gettin into a good college. like, i do very well tests, they always show that i know whats goin on, and alot of times i do even better than the quiet, attentive, cliche smart kid. but i lack motivation to actually do homework, (i often procrastinate, bad habit, i know) and studying. i know i have potential,i i do well when i want to. i wish i could change before the beginning of next year, i really want to get into a good college and succeed. please, i need tips on motivation for studying, doing homework diligentlty, and making more time at home for school.
I think I have ADD, how should I bring it up?
I have ADD also, it's really not a big deal. I think you are maybe just over-reacting. Why tell people. It's not like it will make a differance. When you meet someone or are in a deep conversation do you really think they'll want an explanation for losing your phone or why you didn't copy all of friday's notes? No, they won't. Beleive me, it's alright, once you get used to th idea, you won't even care anymore.
Out of the following reasons, which is the WORST that could happen... [2] (+BQ)?
4) Not so much Big Show, but they actually chose to fire Randy Orton, a HUGE profit, and Undertaker, one of the only few 'serious' people left in WWE (many others are clowning around). Undertaker has HEAPS of fans, especially on the IWC. That's losing TWO enormous stars, two stars from the same brand, one of which has a longer career and legacy than SD Champ Orton and RAW Champ Cena put together.
Laptop or Desktop for incoming sophomore at a college preparatory high school?
Get a desktop. Since you're still in high school, you don't really need a laptop as a college student or business person would. Buy one that will last you until you graduate, and after, then purchase a laptop.
I think Eating is gross but i love food?
every time i eat or look at food i have to eat i get nauseous or get dizzy. i really dont wanna eat but i know i have to and when i finish eating i feel like i might pop but i only took like 5 bites. i feel so bad about my self because i know im fat and i wanna lose weight and i cant beacause im always stuffing my face. i want to die. my mom tells me to stop stufing my face alll the time. to procrastinate i always end up snackng 14 5'8" and weigh 165lbs........i have fat thighs and grandma bat wing wpper arms and blubber on my stomach.........can u tell me whats wrong or if there is a namme for this
I had the same problem, until I failed an exam that nearly made me fail the entire course. After almost failing a class and having to do extra credit and BEG the professor to help me out, I learned my lesson. The best thing to do though is to study in a place where you can't access T.V and youtube. I forced myself to study in the library. No distractions there. If you can force yourself to do it, you'll be able to study. It takes a lot of self-control, but you'll get it.
How can a very shy, queit, not very social person make friends ?
I've never had anything more then just an half decent aquaintance... I've honestly never had a best friend, or anyone I can realy rely on for that matter. I just really want a few good friends, but nobody seems to wanna be my friend.
What can i do to not procrastinate?
Set a schedule and abide by it. Say from 3 to 4 PM is homework time. When it is 3, TV off, phone off, computer off, everyone leaves you alone until it is 4 PM. Inform your family and friends that this is your homework time so no one bothers you. If you have a hard time concentrating that long, try shorter blocks, with short breaks between. Eventually you should be able to do your work in longer blocks. More importantly, set a schedule and stick to it. This is nothing more than disciplining yourself. Do it NOW.
Motivation and procrastination?
I procrastinate a lot too but I have my mom or dad take away my computer, video games, and tv box for like a day or two and i would just study. or go to the library and study there goodluck also stay on tract of what you are doing
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Shaq vs. Big Show @ Wrestlemania 28?
Well man this should not happen at WM 28 cause it will be a **** match. But knowing WWE and how Vince is desperate for buyrates for WM this will probably happen. It maybe will be entertaining. He hsould not get inducted into the HOF though.
Am I Crazy for asking this and do you think I have ADd?
I am a teenager. I am very hyperactive.I like to get up and walk around a lot. I always pace and forth. I procrastinate a lot on my homework. I am easy to temper. I like to be on the go 24/7. I have a hard time focusing on my homework. I will get up and walk around for no reason. My mom thinks I am a bit crazy and she told me that the doctor said I don't have ADD. The school counselor thought I did. My mom says I am just lazy but I have a hard time comprehending my reading and focusing.
Are there any games similar to VMK?
Ahh I used to spend all day on there :( why did they even shut it down? Other things are fantage and club penguin(owned by Disney) and there is habbo and Zwinky they are more for teens have fun good luck (:
What made you a successful stock investor?
Experience and reading. Sometimes losing money teaches you alot, I think almost everyone lost money in the market before making money. Put it this way, 7 or 8 years ago I remember thinking how much more I knew about investing then I did in the 90s, and how I understood so much more about it all. Today I look back and realize that when I was thinking about that 7 or 8 years ago, I really knew nothing. You never stop learning.
What would you write my song 1-10?
It seems quite good to me, honestly. These kind of songs are generally liked quite a lot by people, since most of them can connect with the lyrics. As far as this particular song goes, I'd give it a 9. But that's just me :)
Does a player who is inducted into the basketball hall of fame have to represent a particular team?
with shaquille o'neal retiring soon" and a lock for the HOF" his career will have spaned 19 year's and six teams. i think he should go in as a member of the heat. But there is a strong arguement for the lakers. So i was wondering does he even have to pick?
I am feeling lonely after two unsuccessful relationships...?
the first guy I fall in love with when I was in college was never seriouse about me...though we had almost two years of talking to each other, Still he texts me once in a while when he gets bored with his life. The second one which I have been with for a couple of months was very caring and loving in beginning but later he told me I should either choose him or my career. I am just looking for a simple guy so that I can trust and rely on and give back the same trust and reliance to him. I feel like a failure now. In our muslim society there are not a lot of chances for meeting and building a relationship. I no longer enjoy anything even shopping. arranged marriage won't make any sense to me also. How can I stay motivtated in my life after all these happened to me. Will I be able to recover?
He is ruining my life! :..(?
He didn't deserve you and he never will. Ask yourself if he really was the love of your life? If he was the love of your life then he wouldn't have cheated on you with that girl.
What to do if your girlfriend tells you she cant rely on you?
what to do if your girlfriend tells you she cant rely on you ? she told me today that with her future problems she can't rely on me... What should i do ?
Is he just being friendly or is there something else...?
He sounds like he is just a nice guy. You may be reading more into than there is at this point. And yes, if you are not used to having a nice guy, be nice and email you, then you need to just let this play out. Enjoy the friendship and don't spoil it by thinking it is something more. Work on your "friend" skills first. Learn to be a friend to him and others. Being interested in him is ok. Your smile tells people that you like them. He noticed it. Smile more! Small talk is good to get to know each other. It can lead to more in depth conversations later. Just don't rush it! Good Luck!
What are your thoughts about Facebook?
Facebook is okay. If people are bothering or annoying you then just delete them. I did the same. And no you're not the only person that thinks people are too open with their private lives on facebook; I think so too. I understand your point of view on the situation.
Will edge be in the hall of fame class of 2012?
If Vince is any kind of a man and a human being than he will definitely have Edge inducted into the 2012 Hall of Fame and Christain regardless if he is a heel or a face should definitely induct him.
Chestnut brown eye color on asians?
Is it rare for asians to have chestnut brown eyes? My father and I are the only ones in our family with really light-brown/reddish eyes, and its really unusal compared to our other relatives (we're chinese). Also my father and I have red strands of hair, I'm the only one in my family with hair that curls into ringlets. Are these traits more common than I think they are? My father's mother's side has Possible english/dutch heritage but I don't really rely on that
Could I get into an Ivy League School?
Everyone applying to the top schools has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores. Right now, you're an average applicant at best. Harvard took fewer than 6% of applicants last year. You need a lot more than just fantastic grades and test scores to have a shot at those schools. You need some way to stand out, preferably in the field you'll major in, and you need a good reason to attend those schools ('It's a great school' and 'It sounds really impressive' are not good reasons).
Poll: Why does Lady gaga try so hard?
Ok, so she dresses as weird as she can think, she arrives in eggs, she does all sorts of off the wall junk and then claims she doesn't want attention. Why does she try so hard instead of relying on her "talent"? like so many other celebrities like Britney Spears, She doesn't do anything but be herself and people eat out of her hands or Taylor Swift, again people like her some reason. idk maybe just I noticed it.
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